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My squad leader, my squad
Release time: 2022-04-26     Author: Hui Zexue    Views: 9940    Share to:

My name is Hui Zexue,is a new tunnel maintenance worker in the fourth production team of the first comprehensive excavation team of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company。My squad leader Zhang Wenping,I feel like a very motivated person。Don’t look at his thin figure,No one can do the job as well as anyone,Always do everything in your work、diligently,Played a good leading role in the team。

The work in the mine is rather cumbersome,M88 appEvery pre-shift meeting,He always uses the shortest possible language,Assign work to everyone,Everything down to the smallest detail。Every time after get off work,He always takes the trouble to check every post,Conscientiously implement the handover system,Suggest issues that need attention in the next class。


I remember one time at work,When we entered, we found that some belt racks did not have signboards and cable hooks hung。Monitor Zhang asked me to rectify all these problems,But when I hung it, I just hung the sign in the middle,I didn’t think much about other issues。After getting off work, he checked and said: "These signboards and hooks all have unified requirements,10 cm from the front and back of the three-roller。Look at your failure,What does it look like??”

Although this is only a small problem,But,There is no room for carelessness in underground work,Develop good working habits,Do your work carefully、Do it well、Be real。

Monitor Zhang is a person with outstanding work ability,Be able to master the M88 appworkflow, equipment performance and operating essentials of each position in detail。The most important thing is,He can lead by example at work,Always stand at the front when encountering problems,Lead us to solve the problem。He often calls us together and guides us patiently,How to tie wire when it is so small,How to support it if it is so big。What he often talks about is,As long as you are willing to learn,I am willing to teach,Everything I learn is my own。


It’s because there is such a leader,Gathering people’s hearts together,Also brings friendship together。After work,The team is always full of laughter and laughter,Effectively relieves the stress caused by work。

This is my monitor, my squad,I am honored to join this group,I will learn with humility、Work hard,Continue to work hard for the high-quality development of coal mines on the raw coal production front。(Author: Hui Zexue  Editor: Wang Yu)