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Sunjiacha Longhua Railway Company: The dispatch meeting mechanism promotes the company’s high-quality development
Release time: 2022-04-25&m88 casino reviewnbsp    Author: Gao Yan    Views: 9780    Share to:

Since this year,Sunjiacha Longhua Railway Company insists on “promoting development through management,The principle of seeking benefits from management,Innovative scheduling meeting mechanism,Introduced the "Scheduling Conference System",Coordinate security and development,Further strengthen internal management and external coordination,Promote shipping and safety work to go hand in hand,Achieve good results。First quarter,Shipping 101% completed,Safe production to achieve zero accidents。

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Convene a scheduling meeting,This is a common thing for Longhua Railway Company’s Transportation and Sales Department。Weekly,The meeting will be chaired by the person in charge of the Transportation and Marketing Department,All members of the undergraduate department attended the meeting,Report work status one by one,Final work arrangements。But as the security and shipping situation continues to change,Proposed new ideas for scheduling work、Higher requirements,Need to break departmental boundaries,Strengthen overall coordination and resource integration。

To meet current business development needs,Longhua Railway Company has newly introduced the "Dispatch Meeting System",First, innovate the meeting format,By former single department,Expanded to the company’s management team and various departments、Various departments。Will be shipped with、External cooperation units closely related to safety work are also included,Building a "top-to-bottom connection"、Integrated scheduling work pattern of internal and external collaboration,M88 loginElevate the handling of various problems to a global level,The information sharing and communication mechanism is further improved,Problem rectification and supervision and inspection further strengthened,Further coordination of work connection and resource scheduling,Everyone has their own responsibilities.、A good situation of joint management again,effectively promoted the smooth development of various tasks。

Adhere to problem orientation and ensure the effectiveness of meetings

“The scheduling meeting we are holding now,Although it is a meeting,But there is no default topic。But according to each department、Problems that arise in the actual production, operation and management of each unit,Conduct on-site research and solution,Every minute should be used to solve specific problems。”The general manager of the company emphasized at the dispatch meeting。

Pursuing practical results is Longhua Railway Company’s innovative measure in the content of dispatch meetings,The meeting adheres to problem orientation,Highly focused on results,Require participating departments and units not to talk about work performance、Say more that there are problems、Refined solutions,Clear goals of the meeting、Tight rhythm,Through on-site seminar,Clear division of responsibilities、Solution、Completion time limit,And included in the assessment and supervision,Dedicated personnel to track and implement,Effectively achieve "solving difficult problems、Improve efficiency、The goal of “keeping safe”。

 “The pressure value leveling and welding fixation of Long 1 load cell has been completed,After debugging, M88 appit runs normally;The worn belts on both sides of the Long 2 loading chute have also been replaced,Many problems were quickly solved through the dispatch meeting!" The shipping and marketing section chief praised。

Strict meeting discipline and promote quality and efficiency improvement

Improving actions and making changes is another feature of Longhua Railway Company’s “result-oriented” scheduling meeting。The "Scheduling Meeting System" clarifies the rules of procedure and work procedures,Requesting answers to questions raised at the scheduling meeting,Responsible departments and responsible units must give a clear answer on the spot,And make arrangements and implement them,Powerfully promote the improvement of work efficiency,Ensure that all problems are solved in a timely manner,Effectively prevent and resolve security risks。

“April 9, 9:50,Train 8609 was loading too fast,Resulting in half of the first carriage’s dust suppressant leaking,Causing rework。” Hear feedback from dust suppressant spraying operators,The business person in charge of the 16th Bureau of China Railway immediately picked up the mobile phone to connect to the driver on duty,Require all future trains to travel at a speed of 1km/h when loading,Ensure that all aspects of loading are not missed、No error,Avoid time delays caused by rework,Work together to improve loading quality and efficiency。

The "Scheduling Meeting System" also clarifies meeting discipline and reward and punishment measures,To improve the quality of meetings、Strengthen work execution ability、Consolidate the foundation for safe production、Establishing a long-term mechanism m88 casino reviewprovides a strong institutional guarantee。

"Scheduling meetings by once a week,Adjust to every other day,Further shortening the time limit to solve the problem、Efficiency further improved,Safe production is more guaranteed。"The security officer said sincerely。Currently,Longhua Railway Company’s production safety dispatch meeting has become a “signboard” for work effectiveness,"motivating stick" to promote work,Powerfully promotes the high-quality development of the company's production and operations。(Author: Gao Yan  Editor: Wang Yu)