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Mao Ming——"A Wandering Ocean of Books"
Release time: 2022-06-06     Author: Mao Ming    Views: 8146    Share to:

As the saying goes: There are three treasures in the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars,The earth has three treasures: water, fire and wind,People have the spirit of the three treasures,The book has the spirit and charm of the Three Treasures。Reading more can not only cultivate personal temperament,Conversations with the sages again and again。  

The hardest part of reading is never the beginning,It’s about the choice before starting and the persistence after starting。Someone may say,What’s so difficult about choosing,There are so many recommended lists of classics and good books,Just find a book to start with?In fact it’s not M88 gamethe case,Every book is a reflection of the author’s spiritual world,If the three views are consistent,Good writing enters the eyes like sweet spring water enters the throat in the hot summer of July and August,Natural and refreshing,We meet so late。But if you are a grumpy person, watch "Alive" or "La Traviata",Then he must have read a few chapters before slamming the table and scolding him for being aggrieved。


Read a good book,Like a mosquito bite on the heart,The more I think about it, the more it itches,I just want to swallow it into my brain as soon as possible,Until it is completely digested, it is still unfinished。What if you are reading a professional book that is not that interesting?Patience becomes important,At this time,Don’t just swallow it whole before reading as mentioned before,You must chew slowly and slowly。

If you are reading a professional book,It is best to have a discussion with your friends。Once on the train home,Just chatting at first,The other party asked me: You all say that astragalus can replenish qi,Then can you tell me what kind of energy it replenishes?I was stunned for a moment,I haven’t M88 loginthought about this,Everyone knows that astragalus nourishes the spleen and lungs。It should also be used for physical fatigue、Symptoms of spleen deficiency such as limb weakness。Then,Just think along this line of thinking,It can also enter the kidneys (diminishes water and dampness),Can also enter the spleen and lungs,It can also reach the skin (promote cell repair),Very consistent with the characteristics of Yuanqi。    

The other party told me his thoughts,“The color of astragalus is divided into three layers,The innermost yellow corresponds to the spleen,The white color in the middle corresponds to the lungs。”I understood when I heard him say that,It turns out that he used the theory of correspondence between the five internal organs and five colors。Let’s see,Not just Hamlet,Just one "Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine" will have different interpretations in the eyes of different people,Different views。   

 So,Reading is never silent reading alone,But to communicate with more people,Let thoughts spark sparks,This is the true meaning of reading。(Hanjiawan Coal Company: Mao Ming)