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Grow your own vegetables with confidence!Longhua Agricultural Company’s first harvest of vegetable planting
Release time: 2022-07-05     Author: Xue Xiaocheng Xu Langlang    Views: 8629    Share to:

Since mentioned in the Central Document No. 1 in 2021,After organizing the “Thousands of Enterprises M88 gameto Prosper Thousands of Villages” action,Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company actively implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on rural revitalization and the “Ten Thousand Enterprises Prosper Ten Thousand Villages” action。The company decided to establish Longhua Zhenxing Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.,Successfully entered Shijiaota Village, Shamao Town, Shenmu City in June 2021。

Longhua Agricultural Ecological Base covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres,The planting is mainly divided into more than 750 acres in the field area,Mainly grow corn, potatoes and other food crops。


20 greenhouses and 20 arch sheds have been built in the vegetable greenhouse area for vegetable cultivation。



There are more than 4,000 fruit trees planted in the fruit tree area,Mainly Apple、Pear、Plums, plums and other varieties。



Currently,The company has successfully put into production,More than 500 acres of corn M88 apphave been completed,50 acres of autumn potatoes,20 acres of summer potatoes,20 acres of watermelon,20 acres of small corn,10 acres of field vegetables,20 acres of oil sunflower,Alfalfa for slope protection,Sand cover and other planting,Sand cover and other planting,And the planting of more than 4,000 fruit trees and black beans in the rows。



18 greenhouse plantings have been completed,There is cucumber in it、Chili、Tomatoes、Double beans、Beibei Pumpkin、Garden vegetables、Broccoli, etc.,Vegetables are expected to mature in mid-July。 (Author: Xue Xiaocheng Xu Langlang  Editor: Wang Yu)


