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Shaanxi Coal Group Website
Release time: 2022-08-16     Author: Sun Ning    Views: 8940    Share to:

8month8Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company organized and launched2022Annual underground fire accident emergency drill。This drill is conducted without greeting、No scriptDouble-blind"Drill method,Simulated mine fire accident,Focus on emergency plans,For the purpose of improving emergency command and coordination capabilities and M88 gameemergency response capabilities,Testing mine emergency response capabilities in actual combat。

Today15:00, the dispatch center received a report from the electrician of the underground belt transportation team:“202An electrical switch caught fire in the electromechanical chamber of the panel machine headIgnite other nearby electrical equipment.

The dispatcher immediately ordered people in the disaster area to evacuate according to the pre-disposal authority,And reported to the mine leaders。Combined with underground fire situation,An emergency rescue headquarters with the mine director as the general commander was established,And announced the immediate launch of the third-level response to the production safety accident emergency plan of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company,Assign emergency response tasks to each rescue team。

Analysis by the rescue technical expert group、Judgment,Quickly formulated a rescue plan,In accordance with the rescue plan, each rescue team will engage in rescue work as quickly as possible,Carry out emergency response m88 casinoimmediately。In the process of rescue,Each rescue team has a clear division of labor、Close cooperation,as of17:45,passed2More than hours of emergency rescue,Emergency response to mine fire accident completed。The commander-in-chief announced the end of the exercise,Mine off alert,All work locations resume normal operations。Subsequently,Organized and held a drill summary and evaluation meeting,Comprehensive analysis and comments on the exercise process,Identified the shortcomings during the drill。

Through the conduct of this fire accident drill,Tested the rapid response ability of the mine emergency rescue team,Improved the coordination and cooperation capabilities of the emergency rescue team,Provides scientific basis for the revision of emergency plans,Laid a solid foundation for mine emergency management。(Sun Ning)