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Hanjiawan Coal Company: Fire drill is "real"
Release time: 2022-10-05     Author: Ai Feng    Views: 7090    Share to:

"Report to the dispatch room,I am Li Xuehu, the follower of the electromechanical operation team,2-2Spontaneous combustion occurred due to friction between the tape and floating coal at the joint lane No. 5 of Coal Belt Lane,The fire at the scene is relatively large,Difficult to control...”

September 30, 8 o'clock,Hanjiawan Coal Company Dispatching Command Center,A rush of reports broke the previous calm,The atmosphere suddenly became tense。After receiving the report,Dispatcher Liu Bo immediately notified on-site workers to evacuate quickly along the disaster evacuation route,and reported the accident to the leader on duty。

Disaster is an order,Time is life。A race against time,The accident emergency rescue drill of racing against fire has begun。

"Start the emergency rescue plan for underground fire accidents immediately。”After receiving the report and understanding the situation,The commander-in-chief issued the order immediately。


8:20,Established mine fire accident emergency rescue command center,Emergency and disaster relief team、Medical Rescue Team、Safety inspection team and other 7 working groups。After convening an emergency meeting,Each working group rushes to their respective jobs as quickly as possible,Carry out rescue work in an intense and orderly manner。

"The material supply team has deployed rescue supplies and vehicles,Always on call。”“The medical rescue team ambulance and medical staff have arrived at the wellhead。”During the exercise,All personnel are tense and orderly、Clear division of labor、Strict discipline,Effectively tested the practicality of the emergency plan and the ability of each working group to cooperate。

"Immediately count the number of people entering the well on duty,M88 gameDo a good job of checking the number of people going up the well。”“Please monitor and monitor various underground data,Report every 5 minutes。”While issuing orders one after another,The emergency command center continues to hear people evacuating、Report on the normal status of various gas monitoring conditions。

9:05,All personnel underground are evacuated,The emergency and disaster relief team arranges rescue team members to carry equipment and go down the well to deal with the disaster。After all-out rescue efforts,Successfully put out the fire。9:30,The commander-in-chief announced the successful conclusion of the exercise。

After the exercise,The company held an analysis and evaluation meeting,Members of each working group carefully summarized the entire exercise process,While affirming the results of the drill,Point out the shortcomings,And propose corresponding improvement measures,Accumulated valuable experience for future mine disaster prevention and disaster accident handling。(Author: Ai Feng  Editor: Wang Yu)