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Zhang Zongyong——"The Color of Life"
Release time: 2023-03-01     Author: Zhang Zongyong    Views: 4770    Share to:

——Life is short, all year round,It is also the eternal cycle of time

The catkins are fluttering and the breeze is gentle    

Makino swears the oath, everyone’s hearts turn to him    

A fight, writing a new chapter    

Sacrifice, the Master of Justice is respected by thousands of people    

The distant green grass    

Interpretation of endless fighting spirit for life

The sun is scorching, it’s the beginning of midsummer    

Border of Miluo River, rippling microwaves    

A Li Sao, resounding for thousands of years    

Praise is the long-lasting fragrance of mugwort    

Deep blue river water    

Perform unyielding patriotic fashion for life

Clear skies, crisp autumn air    

In front of Tiananmen Square, the streets are deserted    

A national anthem, announcing a new era    

Opening is a grand celebration for the whole country    

Bright flag red    

Bloom the light of perseverance and rebirth for life

Broken plastic and broken fingers, biting frost    

Changjin Lake, the vast ocean breaks out    

A battle that shocked the world    

Going to war is a duty to move forward without hesitation    

Clean snowflake white    

Spread the wings of peace for life    

(Zhang Zongyong of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company)