June 2,The launching ceremony of Shenmu City’s 2023 “Car Enables People and People Compliance” civilized traffic persuasion new era civilized practice activities was held in the People’s Square,Hanjiawan Coal m88 sports betting review won the "2022 'Car Rental'",Honor for “People Observe the Rules” and “Advanced Collective of Civilized Traffic Persuasion and Civilized Practice Activities in the New Era”。
Always,The m88 sports betting review vigorously promotes "dedication、Friendly、Mutual assistance、Voluntary spirit of “progress”,Absorbed more than 300 volunteers,In production safety、Carry out extensive volunteer service activities in the fields of ecology and environmental protection,Set up a volunteer team to carry out "civilized transportation,Safe travel” themed volunteer service activity,Enter the campus、Take to the streets,Promote traffic safety knowledge,Coaxing uncivilized behavior,Guide students and citizens to travel in a civilized manner。
“Get out of the house,Everyone is a participant in civilized traffic。Only by consciously obeying traffic rules,Maintain traffic order,Strive to be a civilized traveler、Civilized driver,Only then can our road be smooth,Our happiness index will become higher and higher。” Wang Shuai, a young volunteer from the m88 sports betting review who enthusiastically participated in civilized traffic persuasion activities, was deeply moved。
The m88 sports betting review focuses on the practice of small civilization by focusing on practicality and detail,Sing the main theme of civilized practice in the new era,Continue to glow with a new atmosphere of civilization,A vivid scene where the flowers of civilization bloom brightly。Next,The m88 sports betting review will vigorously cultivate and practice socialist core values,Promote the spirit of volunteering,With a strong sense of responsibility、Enterprising spirit and hard work,Strive to become a national civilized unit。(Yang Boyu)