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The grassroots "fertile fields" are taking a characteristic road
Release time: 2024-04-15     Author: Yang Nan    Views: 2195    Share to:

m88 casinoSince this year,The grassroots team of Northern Shaanxi Mining Company starts from the "new",Activate inner motivation,"Highlights"、Engage in “features”,Let the district team construction glow with a new look。

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Always grasp the "micro-cells" and form the "cornerstone" of the class

If the district team is a tree,Then the team is the branches on the tree。Practical tips on the "small incision" of team management,Each district team has its own set of "unique skills"。

“There are more young people on the team now,Old management methods no longer apply。”Talk about team management,Yang Hengyou, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Installation Team of Hanjiawan Coal Company, has unique insights,“After constant exploration,We innovatively apply the ‘7+3’ management model,To form a team、Share、Seven mechanisms including horse racing to build a new team form,Regular meeting、Case、Three major platforms for missionary education add luster to team management。”

The annual average withdrawal and installation of fully mechanized mining working faces is 4 times,Assisted in transporting large equipment hundreds of times,There are more than 70 plans for optimizing the retracement installation process...the installation team is known as the "Steel Team",Actively play the role of the team as a "micro-unit",Take safety target consecutively、“One-to-many” mentoring and apprenticeship support、“5+5” team safety education and other mechanisms,Horizontal coverage、vertical to bottom,Ensure that all installation rollback tasks are successfully completed。

In the second comprehensive excavation team of Longhua Mining Company in Sunjiacha,Points M88 loginAssessment、Benchmark creation、Team culture is an important starting point for building an “enterprising” team。“The points assessment system links employee performance with the team’s production footage,Let everyone’s pockets be bulging,Improved work efficiency。" Gao Jipeng, an employee of the mechanized excavator, said with a smile。

There are always "thousand-mile horses", and talents become the "standard equipment"

“Knowledge-based”、“Innovative”、"Skill Type",These three keywords are vividly reflected in the ventilation maintenance team of Hanjiawan Coal Company。As a professional team responsible for the "one pass and three defenses" of the mine,Improving the quality and ability of employees has become the “highlight” of the team。

“Whatever doesn’t work, just fix it,Practice wherever you can’t do it。In our district team,Everyone can ‘appear on stage’,A technical master talks about his experience in the process of growing up,More training and assessment skills。" Zhang Yancheng, technician of the ventilation maintenance team, said with emotion。

Technical Competition、Practical training、Activities such as mentoring and mentoring are frequently carried out,Establishing "Technician Training Course",Innovative launch of “National Competition Training Method”、"Incubation training method", etc.。"Shaanxi Province Technical Expert" Chen Minzhong、Zhang Meng,He Dongdong, winner of the National Coal Industry Skills Competition、Ma Yuchen...a group of outstanding technical talents are emerging in the team,Add a “powerful engine” to the company’s development。

“Teacher and apprentice” multi-position M88 loginexperience、Teaching by technical experts、Team rotation... The comprehensive excavation team of Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company strictly controls the "growth" of employees,Actively cultivate “all-rounders”,Strive to make the best use of talents、Everyone shows his/her abilities。

Always look for the “golden key” and innovate into the “spring breeze”

“Now you can check warehouse material data on your mobile phone anytime and anywhere,This is so convenient!" Zhang Lulu, material worker of the comprehensive excavation team of Hanjiawan Coal Company, said happily。Open the phone,The inventory dynamics of various materials are clear at a glance,Let people know。This "warehouse management assistant" applet innovatively developed by the comprehensive excavation team,Became the "booster" for the team to reduce costs and increase efficiency。

"Institutional innovation + practical innovation" two-wheel drive,Opened up the "last mile" of management innovation for the continuous mining team of Hanjiawan Coal Company。Implementing the “order fine noodles” management model,Achieve "double strides" in safe production and standardization;In the first quarter of this year alone, 8 innovative technological achievements were declared,Let the "dividends" of the results be truly implemented in safe production。

Multifunctional remote control device application、Independent replacement and debugging of frequency converters... Sunjiacha Longhua Mining Company’s transportation team vigorously promotes innovation among all employees,Carry out extensive small reforms、Innovation and efficiency activities,Actively explore new technologies、New process,Employee labor M88 appintensity has been reduced,Work efficiency has also improved。

The grassroots district team is like a link,One end is connected to the vast number of employees,One end is connected to the company’s development。Northern Shaanxi Mining Company transforms “grassroots advantages” into “development momentum”,Let the business cards of each district team be "shown"、The brand becomes more beautiful,Inject "strong momentum" into the company's high-quality development。(Yang Nan)