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Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch: From production to practice
Release time: 2024-10-12     Author: Song Jianqiang    Views: 214    Share to:

In recent years,The Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch closely follows the "smart mine、M88 loginThe main line of "smart mining area" construction,Seize the gap in the coal mine intelligent construction industry,Released the "Intelligent Coal Mine Maintenance Standard" to the entire industry、System architecture、Operation specifications、Industry standard of "service quality"。The formation of “four modernizations and one database” (intelligent service platform、Standardized process system、Professional team building、Refined material management、Operation and maintenance knowledge base) management system,Opened up scientific research、Manufacturing、Application、Connection、Automatic control connection channel,Set an industry benchmark。

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The "command center" of mining area informationization

A network security situational awareness system developed by the Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch and 360 Digital Security Group,Integrated anti-virus software、Firewall、Intrusion monitoring system、Security audit system and other data information,Constructed a mining area network security situation awareness system。This system not only realizes asset audit、Event statistics、Core functions such as vulnerability monitoring,Also through threat intelligence、Machine Learning、User and behavior analysis and other technologies,Malicious access to the network、Trojan horse、Ransomware、Comprehensive protection and threat warning for mining viruses and industrial control system security。

Introduced by Gong Huilong, a first-level operation and maintenance engineer of the company’s safety technology management department,"Operating since January this year,This system has successfully protected 7630 network equipment assets,Intercepted more than 560,000 attack threats,Handling security incidents 10115 times,M88 gameAchieve network protection ‘zero intrusion’,Creating a smart barrier for network security in mining areas。”

Intelligent coal mine operation and maintenance management standard system

The “blueprint” for industry intelligence

In order to promote the intelligent construction of the coal industry,The company cooperates with China Coal Mining Research Institute,Completed the preparation of 17 group standards in the field of coal mine intelligence,Covers the scope of operation and maintenance、Organizational management, assessment and evaluation, etc.。These standards not only lay the foundation for the construction of an intelligent comprehensive operation and maintenance management platform for coal mines,The construction plan has also been realized、Design Architecture、Operation and maintenance standards、Unified management and control of the entire service quality process。

January 13, 2024,These 17 group standards were approved and announced by the China Coal Society,Marks the achievements of coal enterprises in innovation and thinking,Made groundbreaking exploration and practice for the high-quality development of the coal industry。

Intelligent system for fully mechanized mining face

“Standardized process” throughout the life cycle

Intelligent equipment installation at fully mechanized coal mining working face、Maintenance and rollback operations,Together with Tiandi (Changzhou) Automation Co., Ltd., they drafted the "Installation of Intelligent Equipment for Mechanized Mining Faces"、Maintenance and rollback operation specifications》。This specification aims to formulate intelligent installation of fully mechanized mining working faces、Maintenance、Standardized process for retracting operations,Improve the efficiency of intelligent fully mechanized mining M88 appworking face construction,Improving security throughout the entire life cycle。

Currently,This specification is waiting for the China Coal Society to issue a group bid submission notice,It is expected to complete the group logo release by the end of the year。

Coal mine intelligent operation and maintenance service management system

“Neural Network” for smart operation and maintenance

Combining the research results of intelligent coal mine operation and maintenance management standard system and the on-site experience of intelligent maintenance business,The management results of “one map”, “one network”, “one standard” and “one library” formed by Shaanbei Mining Company based on self-research,Built a smart business neural network and intelligent center。This system provides customized services、Standardized Management、Data asset sharing、Cloud Intelligent Management and Control、Expert remote collaboration、Network Situational Awareness、System health analysis、Comprehensive services such as operation and maintenance level evaluation,Breaks down the barriers between subsystems within the enterprise,Achieved seamless connection with external mature applications。

For two years,The Information Technology Operation and Maintenance Branch passed the construction of “one platform eight systems” and intelligent management and control cockpit in the northern Shaanxi smart mining area,Leveraging Shaanxi Coal Industry Data Standard、Konghong System、5G technology special training,Explore the frontier areas of scientific innovation。Created and developed an intelligent operation and maintenance service management system for coal mines,The formation of "4 1's" (one picture、一面网、One standard、One library) and "1+3+3+N" construction architecture,Completed IS09001 quality management system、ITSS operation M88 loginand maintenance capabilities、SPCA software development capability and other qualification certification。The company’s achievements in the intelligent coal mine operation and maintenance management standard system,Not only promotes the technical standardization and standard industrialization of the coal industry,It also provides strong support for the high-quality development of the coal industry。With the continuous advancement and application of intelligent technology,The coal industry is moving towards greater safety、Efficient、Green development。(Song Jianqiang)