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Hanjiawan Coal Company: Spring surge in the desert mine
Release time: 2022-03-26     Author: Guo Hongxin    Views: 10434    Share to:

Captain Zhang Zhirui21, deputy captain Chen Yapeng19, technician Meng Tao18number……3month22日,On the duty desk of the comprehensive mining team of Hanjiawan Coal Company of Northern Shaanxi Mining Mining,Almost all team members’ well entry records arefull grid

Now is an important period to ensure coal supply,We must focus on the work site。No time to explain,Zhang Zhirui quickly changed into work clothes,Step on the trackless rubber-tyred vehicle and run to the 100-meter underground mine。

Since the first quarter, Hanjiawan Coal Company has conscientiously implemented the policies of its superiorsStabilize growth, ensure supply, strengthen security, and stabilize coal pricesJob Requirements,With the mental state of sprinting from the very beginning,Up and down and one heart、Go all out to organize safe production,The vitality and vitality of spring are everywhere in the desert mines。

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Chang Liangliang, please comment on the case in the video.”“The main reason for the accident was the failure of the anchor cable at the excavation face,Our team will strengthen the quality control of support materials,Regularly inspect the pulling force and anchor installation torque of anchor rods and anchor cables。

Safety management is always on the road,The company created a secure random question mechanism: daily scheduling meeting、Pre-class meeting time,Inspecting the safety of cadres and employees and knowing the situation;Every Tuesday、five hours,Organize to watch typical accident cases,Invite cadres and employees to make comments based on actual conditions,Looking for weaknesses in the control check、Check shortcomings、Make up for deficiencies,Always tighten the safety string。

Strengthen on-site safety management,3Starting from the month, the company will carry out a period3Month’s roof battle,Initial mining, initial mining and recovery of mining face,Laneway connection、Opening、On-site construction in special areas for cutting eyes,Comprehensive inspection of the support quality of the excavation working face。At the same time,Carry out special fire safety inspection activities,For underground mining working face、Transportation system laneway、Computer room room、Supervise the fire prevention and extinguishing conditions of Inoshang fire-fighting facilities,Nip hidden dangers in the bud。

Vigorously promoteFour newTechnical Application,For four members and two leaders、Personnel in scattered positions are equipped with smart mining lamps,In the intelligent dispatch center, safety reminders can be given to post workers,Post workers can also make video calls at any time through smart mining lamps,Get in touch with Inoue。Introduction of mining face“YHQMAir bag type quick sealing device,Replaced temporary wind barrier measures,Improved wind flow blocking efficiency3More than times, making employees feel more at ease at work.

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at214202Mechanized mining working face,Zhang Weiwei, a shearer maintenance worker, is inspecting the cutting motor,We will open and inspect key parts of the shearer every day,Try to leave the problem to the maintenance team to deal with it,Create good conditions for the production team。

The company continues to strengthen the management of electromechanical equipment,Strictly implement equipment life cycle management,Standardize the establishment of equipment health files,Understand the equipment operating rules and maintenance cycles,Actively carry out preventive maintenance operations,Guarantee equipment startup rate and integrity rate。Reluctant to work hard on equipment maintenance,You will suffer losses in production,Perform equipment maintenance in place,Will achieve twice the result with twice the result。The person in charge of the company’s mechanical and electrical materials management center said.

Carry out solid work on safety production standardization,Promote regular recycling at work sites,at214202During the initial mining and discharge of the working face,Smoothly control the traveling speed of the shearer,Pair of runners in each class、Adjust the straightness of the bracket, etc.,Ensuring that the quality of dynamic and static engineering work on the working surface reaches standards,In Zhang Zhirui’s words: Sometimes it stabilizes,To get up quickly,Caught the key to project quality,Safe and smooth production m88 casino reviewwill definitely be achieved。First two months,The company successfully completed the production task indicators assigned by superiors。

To ensure smooth production continuity, the company introducedSC15/182FShuttle car,PZL460/150Crawler crusher andCMM4-24ZFour-arm anchor drilling rig, formedContinuous Mining Machine+Shuttle Car+Crawler Crusher+Four-arm anchor drilling rigQuick digging system. After the new equipment is put into operation, the average number of employees will be reduced4To5People, transportation system extension efficiency improvement40%, support efficiency improved10%, raw coal transportation capacity improvement3times, breakthrough in single-day excavation footage55meter, breaking the historical record.

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Since the beginning of the year, the company’s Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department has usedGo outopportunities,Go to Yongxin Mining Company one after another、Hongliulin Mining Company、Caragana Tower Mining Company, etc.,Benchmarking good experience in supervision and discipline enforcement in the field of production safety、Good Practice。Combined with the company’s safety production practices,Form a good mechanism to integrate the supervision work of the Discipline Inspection Commission into the work of the Safety Production Center,Continuously correct and improve the style。

We continue to show our sword against unhealthy tendencies in the field of production safety,It is necessary to vigorously promoteDiligent, strict, precise and honestStyle,Establish a work orientation of hard work and responsibility,Removing ideological and action obstacles to ensure coal supply。Zuo Xiaofeng, the company’s Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department, said so.

Comprehensive implementation by the companySeven checks, seven questions, and seven must-talksWorking method,Strengthen the execution capabilities of various functional departments,Ensure that hidden dangers are investigated and rectified M88 appin place、Rewards and punishments are fully realized,Safe production and efficient operation。Focus on management cadres and leadership、Follower、Duty status,Conduct regular on-site inspections on the rectification of various special safety inspection issues,And report the inspection status at the weekly dispatch meeting,Create a good atmosphere of hard work。

On the other hand,The company insists on keeping in close contact with and serving its employees,Convene employee representative question meetings regularly、Team leader activity day, etc.,The heads of each functional department collect face-to-face questions about the difficulties and confusions of employees in production and life,Dedicated to solving problems for employees。Since the first quarter,Succeeded in improving catering quality、Upgrade dust mask、Additional issuance of work clothes, etc.13A difficult and good thing involving the vital interests of employees,Let employees devote themselves to safe production。(Guo Hongxin)