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Hanjiawan Coal Company successfully passed the green mine “look back” field verification
Release time: 2022-03-29     Author: Chen Shutian Guo Hongxin    Views: 10122    Share to:

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March 27,A group of 10 experts from the Yulin Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau came to Hanjiawan Coal Company,On-site verification of green mine construction status。

This verification mainly involves on-site inspection、Listen to the report、Check information, etc.。In the Model Worker Innovation Studio of Hanjiawan Coal Company、All staff examination center、Intelligent dispatch center、Sewage treatment station、Surface goaf control areas and other places,The inspection team learned in detail about the company’s treatment M88 gameof coal mining subsidence areas、Factory environment improvement、Specific practices in water resource recycling and other aspects,Experienced the company's vivid practice of integrating ecological and environmental protection concepts into corporate culture。Subsequently,The verification team reviewed the company’s comprehensive utilization of resources、Energy Saving and Emission Reduction、Work information on green mining and other aspects。

Verification report meeting,Played the company’s green mine construction promotional video,Comprehensive display of the company’s highlights in green mine construction。According to the main content and standards of verification,The deputy manager of the company reported on the self-inspection work of green mines。Each verification team reported on-site and data inspection status respectively,And put forward valuable opinions and suggestions。

The inspection team fully affirmed the green mine construction work of Hanjiawan Coal Company,believes that the company attaches great importance to ecological and environmental protection from top to bottom,All work materials are ready、m88 casinoOrganization specifications,And environmental management in mining areas、Green technology application、Remarkable achievements in coal gangue treatment and utilization,All work complies with green mine construction standards。At the same time,The inspection team hopes that Hanjiawan Coal Company will firmly establish the first-class concept,Anchor the first-class goal,Promote green mine construction with high standards,Strive to build an ecological civilization demonstration mining area。

Hanjiawan Coal Company stated,Take this green mine field inspection as an opportunity,Further build a stronger line of defense for ecological and environmental responsibility,In-depth promotion of pollution prevention and control work。Vigorously promote new energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies,Continuously speed up ecological restoration and management work,Continue to consolidate the achievements of green mines。(Author: Chen Shutian Guo Hongxin  Editor: Wang Yu)